10 Steps To Maintain Remote Work Etiquette

The pandemic has forced everyone indoors, following social distancing and COVID-19 protocols until the ‘new normal’ resembles the old one. Due to the unpredictable nature of the situation, most companies have adopted a remote work culture within businesses — the only solution for surviving these unprecedented circumstances.

No one would have expected that the work from home practice (a matter of much controversy and deliberation over the years) would suddenly become the only source of prevailing work format around the globe. However, if you are struggling to cope with the new workspace, here are some tips for maintaining remote work etiquette and improving your productivity and efficiency.

Create a designated workspace

An office workplace setting ideally creates an active mindset for the employees to focus on the task. So, if you are working from home, convert your living room, bedroom, or spare room into a home-cum-office that offers privacy and proper background during video calls.

Build a comfortable environment

A comfortable workspace increases productivity and efficiency without pressure. The right equipment to work remotely includes a high-speed network, a proper desk, an ergonomic chair, office resources.

Establish boundaries

Common problems are likely disturbances or unwanted noise of household items or from the people around you. It is essential to set boundaries during necessary video conferencing, or client calls to keep professional standards.

Follow a consistent routine

Working from home will induce laziness and lethargy for any employee due to its comfortable and peaceful atmosphere. So, try to maintain a consistent routine that involves logging in and out of the office, completing complex tasks in the morning, and sticking to the work schedule as closely as possible.

Appropriate communication methods

Professional communication is a crucial language to learn as there are several options. You must know when to use emails, phone calls, video calls, and messaging options appropriately within your team.

Constant touch with colleagues

Work from home has reduced workplace chit-chat, even though many online applications for office work serve as social media platforms. Calling other team members through phone or video can help fight the isolation at home. This will enhance team unity, group coordination, and overall productivity.

Take necessary breaks

Remote work might seem challenging as most people lose track of time and remain chained to their desks at all times. The office environment had a mandatory break time available for every employee, but the work from home culture does not. So, take short breaks away from the computer to relax your eyes and mind.

Never waste other’s time:

The virtual office setup has created a working environment where blaming tardiness on traffic delays or network issues is nonexistent. Appearing late for important video conferencing or scheduled virtual meetings is a poor, remote work etiquette that can disturb everyone’s workflow. So, keep yourself prepared for any office calls or meetings and promptly attend them to avoid wasting others’ time.

Respect off-working hours:

The remote work lacks clarity on the working hours boundary. Many employees work from different parts of the world; keeping time zones is challenging. So, respect off-hours time and maintain a consistent working schedule to have more flexibility and autonomy.

Celebrate minor success:

The virtual office is nothing like a typical office setting. The current workspace does not provide means for congratulating employees. Therefore, managers can start celebrating the employee’s success in the same way as observed in the office setting to boost team member’s confidence and efficiency.


Remote work rules are mostly unwritten laws practiced worldwide, and keeping them in order seems challenging. The home-cum-office might seem like a comfortable workspace, but maintaining a typical office workflow requires you to follow fundamental etiquette. Creating your remote work rules of regular communication and a schedule will help you construct your sense of ‘normal’.